4 Things You Need to do to Pivot during the Pandemic 

4 Things You Need to do to Pivot during the Pandemic

By Stephanie Kennedy – Owner of Reach Digital Media Solutions 

There’s no doubt in our minds as the entrepreneurial community of WNY that Buffalonians are, hands down, resilient to change and really know how to pivot in times of crisis. 

We are the community that strives for excellence and economic growth even while we’re fighting with five feet of snow on our cars. What’s a little virus? On a serious note though, there is a lot to give the WNY community credit for while we’ve been trying to keep each other safe, healthy, and prosperous. We are all in this together, right?

So, I wanted to share some of what I’ve been able to observe as a digital marketer over the nine to ten months while we’ve been dealing with these unprecedented times. Without further ado, let’s get down to business. 

  1. Get Online

If you’re not already online as a consultant, a shop owner, or creative, you are already behind the eight ball. Make sure you’re getting yourself established as soon as possible because who knows how long this is going to last. Plus, even despite the pandemic, you should be online to make yourself more available to those outside of our immediate region, anyway. If you’re not on social media, sending emails at least once a week, have a website set up, that is going to be your first step. 

  1. Partner up

I know for a fact if you’re connected in any way to the WNY Entrepreneur Podcast, there’s a good chance that you have still been virtually networking throughout the pandemic. Think of at least one person that you think you could partner up with to hold a webinar, do a giveaway, or just bounce ideas off of. 

  1. Share, share, share! 

If you have the energy to scroll through Facebook, you have the thumb power to share your friend and/or colleague’s post about their business. It costs zero dollars to be supportive online of other WNY companies. Not only does this help their awareness and boost their reach, it also shows social media outlets that you are willing to share and engage as well. This, in turn, helps with your positive algorithm points. 

  1. Buy local

If you have the means and, hopefully, have been prosperous throughout this process, pay it forward and keep more money in the economy. Shop local for the holiday season. Shop local for things you might need to be comfortable this winter around the house. 

It doesn’t ever hurt to shop local. 


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